I became a committed Christian and my mission blossomed. AMTC was about to get bold.

I call it my ‘Treadmill’ experience...

A few months after surrendering to Jesus, God spoke to me while I was walking on a treadmill. He told me the name of AMTC would change. We were AMTC before we were for Christ, but the ‘C’ stood for ‘Competition.’ God said we would no longer be ‘Actors, Models & Talent Competition.’ We would become ‘Actors, Models & Talent for Christ’ because that’s what the ‘C’ was always meant to be.

I was thrilled. I finally knew my purpose. Friends and co-workers were initially negative—sure and scared that our mainstream talent agents and executives would not support a boldly Christian company.

But they were wrong. The agents who had been with us for so long stayed loyal, and what they discovered at the ‘new’ event surprised them.

They saw a face of God they never knew: they saw beauty, talent, love, integrity and purpose. They didn’t feel judged, but inspired!

Pretty soon, Christian casting directors and executives wanted to support this movement, too, like the Kendrick Brothers and Provident Records. AMTC became a safe meeting ground for performers, mainstream and faith-based media.

Even more, the company’s deep roots in fashion and entertainment would now be used for God’s purposes—to promote His stars into key positions in the most pivotal mission field in the world: media.